Monday, April 6, 2009

LibraryThing - Advanced Reading Copy Received!!!

LibraryThing recently started a section where members can give away books. "Member Giveaways are an informal way for authors or members to giveaway books in exchange for reviews." Every now and then I go through the list and click on the ones that look good. Today I got one in the mail!!! I received an Advanced Reading Copy of Pureheart by Rita Hsu Syers, this book isn't due to be released until June 1, 2009!!!

I will be putting away my Cybook and my BeBook to actually read a dead-tree hard cover book . It looks like an interesting read, the book description is:
When Maggie Adams was fourteen years old, four of her friends drew a pentagram on the floor, lit candles made of human fat, repeated the words of an ancient spell, and raised a demon. They had no way of knowing that what they did that night could bring about the end of the world. They did not know that a supernatural force beyond their comprehension or control had waited patiently for this very moment in time. And no one had any way of knowing that a little dog, sent from God, was the only living thing that stood between them and total annihilation.
Who wouldn't like a book with spells and demons where the only one who can save the world is a dog? I'll post my review when I've read it.

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