Friday, June 2, 2006


Before I started practicing Reiki I had read that there would/could be changes that would happen. Changes to what I would want to eat, drink, do. I believed this to a point, but was going to wait and see. I had decided that I would reduce the amount of coffee I was drinking to mornings only with water in the afternoon, make an effort to self heal every day, get up and move when I felt like being a sloth. But under no circumstances would I give up my morning coffee!

Well, I've switched to tea for mornings and water for afternoons. It was a gradual change. I found that for 1 specific week in the month things went better for me if I stayed away from coffee, but black tea was fine. Then I got a flu and found that drinking coffee turned my tummy, again tea was fine. Then for some unknown reason I after my week of tea in the mornings I just kept on drinking tea. It's been 2 weeks and I've only had 2 very small cups of coffee in that time. I even got a Chai Tea Latte instead of my usual Cafe Mocha when I went to Starbucks earlier this week!

I'm also making changes for my health, going to a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and getting complimentary treatments of acupuncture & herbs to help bring me into balance. The combination of TCM and Reiki should really make a difference in my life. I don't think I have ever completely been in balance since before I move out of my mother's home. I never thought I would give up my coffee though!

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