Now that he is getting a bit older we have been able to broaden our horizons a bit. He is able to imagine the pictures in his head and doesn't always need to see a picture on the page. He won't listen to a story with no pictures for very long, but we have managed to get through "the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" as well as "Prince Caspian." The eBook versions of these stories have 2 or 3 pictures for each chapter and that helps him to connect with the characters and keeps his interest for the parts which don't have pictures. This is a good thing as he can't read or colour in the car without getting an upset tummy. Audiobooks come to the rescue, he will happily listen to Dr. Suess or Narnia or "Magic Treehouse" until we reach our destination, and I still have a voice when we arrive. :)
He constantly brings home non-fiction books from the library, especially ones about dinosaurs, but also likes books about magic and anything about super heros. With this in mind I have just taken possession of 5/8 "Young Wizard" books by Diane Duane. They are currently only available as paper and audio books, but Diane says: "Ebook editions are definitely in the works for this year. Just not sure of what the exact timing's supposed to be." Even though I already own all the YW audiobooks and will soon own all the paperback versions as well, I know I will be purchasing the eBook versions just as soon as they hit the virtual shelves. :D
I must say I am pretty pleased with the price I paid for these books. I found an online shop called "" and managed to scoop all 5 of these books for $1.74 US each!!! can you believe it? That is practically free! You have to check out this store! They sometimes have free shipping sales which makes it an even better deal.

Find books for all ages including from baby to teen and over. As well as all grade classifications, from preschool to young adult.
(please use my link as I get a small discount on future purchases)
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